Monday, January 10, 2011

Fengshui Door Color

The direction of the door is very important when figuring house fengshui. Since it is the mouth of chi, the direction of the front door tells you what kind of energy is predominant in the house. For example, if your main door facing the North you should be aware of a Ba Gua area of the house and all the issues involved. It may be that the person has problems towards the north gate of career or who are very independent and it is difficult to maintain long-term relationships. To determine the direction of your main door, stand in front of the front door while your back is facing the inside of your house. Do not take the direction your front door while standing in front of you are looking inside the house.

There are some colors and materials that best support each other in the direction of the door (and Ba Gua). Choosing the right color and element supports and nourishes the people back home. Here are some guidelines you can follow:

North facing door: blue, black, white, wooden

North East facing door: orange, purple, yellow, terracotta

East facing door: green, blue, turquoise, wooden

South East facing door: green, turquoise, blue, wooden

South facing door: red, pink, purple, wooden

South West facing door: pink, peach, apricot, orange, yellow

West facing door: yellow, white, gold, magenta, silver

North West facing door: magenta, gold, silver, white, yellow

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