Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday morning with a surprise

My baby woke up 530am and cried looking for her daddy.

'mummy...papa nar?' warh......*cried*
I hug her hoping that she'd sleep again...but i still can hear her sobbing quietly.

I just can't sleep after that. I never ever thought my baby would miss her daddy so much!
We woke up again at 745am and i made milk for her to drink and told her i'm going to take a shower and she need to finish her milk. She nod. I kiss her on her cheek. As i walk towards the shower, she screamed for me 'mummy! mummy!...
i check on her in the room and she was crying! And again, asking for her daddy. sobbing...
'mummy, papa nar li?' it felt like getting a brain freeze and a heart attack at the same time. but i keep my cool...and...
my standard answer is : papa is working, ok darling?
usually, she'd just nod her head but this morning she roll her body to the other side of the bed and sob...
i hope she'll be fine after playing with her friend, ying xin and her nanny.

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