Friday, October 2, 2009

Why Malaysian should thank you Saudi Arabia?

Since the announcement made by PM last month, everybody must have hold up their plan to make / renew passport until yesterday, Oct 1st, 2009. Why? Well now Malaysian only have to pay 1/3 from the previous price tagged by Tun Mahathir during his power. I mean RM300 reduced to RM100 is A BIG DISCOUNT...i think.

Some might shallowly thank our PM NAJIB for his considerate and his newly found 1Malaysia. But some AND myself, think a little deeper because i never believe something as it is what it is especially when it comes to POLITIC.

I admire the way our politicians gravitates some issues with time and situation. They would hold up some vital informations that can lead to a deadly end. For examples, H1N1 pandemic. The citizens were left unaware of the danger of this pandemic until its too late, until a few locals died and people start to wonder why there are no measures and precautions made? OR the time we are introduced to 2M EURO Diesel? I know we are behind Singapore because that Republic now using cleaner, greener 4M EURO diesel! I know...because i drive diesel truck.

The immigration department received piles of complaints regarding the expensive RM300 / 5 years for 32-pages passport or RM600 for 64-pages. It is true. Compared to our neighbour country, our passport price is wayyyy too expensive. Almost a ridiculous price. I'd say IT IS RIDICULOUS! Imagine if 1 family have more than 3 kids. Maybe 6 or 8, for some highly productive couples; how much would they have to pay just for a once in a lifetime family trip to oversea?

Okay, okay. Back to the topic, some might still don't get it what saudi arabia has to do with our newly-so-called-cheap passport? Jeng, jeng, jeng!

Recent year, Saudi Arabia has imposed a regulation to all the Muslim pilgrimages all over the world to provide passport upon entering their country. And all these, through TABUNG HAJI, anybody who wish to do pilgrimage DOES NOT NEED a passport. Your IC / ID would do just fine.

As we all know, majority of the pilgrimage are of medium to lower income. They go to MECCA for their once in a lifetime experience of pilgrimage. Some i know have to wait until 15 years to accumulate enough money to make the journey. A passport of RM300 per person is a burden for them. For some 30% off their salary.

Well, maybe Tabung Haji can help them to 'tampong' a little or maybe pay for their passport. But for how many, how long? Right? Now RM100 passport valid for 2 years introduced by our PM to show the true 1Malaysia spirit. Or it is not?
Like i told you before i refuse to believe something as it is what it is. So i do some math,


RM300 = 5 years


RM200 = 2 years

let say i'm a frequent traveller, 2 yrs later i pay another RM200.

Total of 4 years i already pay RM400!

Darn! Oh well, at least most of us can make that oversea trip now....NOW, everybody can have passport.hahahahhaa....
thanks to Saudi Arabia, thanks to Muslim pilgrimages.
P/S : immigration dept only process 400 application per day. So quick!

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