Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Labuan in 2011

approaching FT

inside passenger area, air conditioned, have movie.

just can't stop moving

happy after mummy agree to buy RM18 chocolate tub with princess figure on top. itulah anak baru sorang belanja dia ja.

heish, my daughter, please la mind you hand!

Rancha-Rancha view from ferry

If you been to Labuan 5 years ago, you didn't miss anything this time. Heck, even if you were here 10 years ago, you didn't notice much difference. Accept for surau & Siswazah Corner at the waterfront. Next to HSBC Bank. Plus, lots of budget hotels.
I studied here in '99 when KML still 'tumpang' UMS buildings and borrowed SMS Labuan's Lab. Around 3000+ students & staffs arrived during that time. Imagine the 1999 population explosion in Labuan caused by us : KML students are everywhere. Just close your eyes and point to one direction, sure you see one KML student. hihihi...

So, fast forward 2011. This recent trip obviously leisure. Lain planning, lain jadinya. Hehehe...
Since we bring our car to Labuan via carferry from Menumbok, we are able to drive around the FT twice. Up to Manikar, down to UMS, up again to Peace Park then turn around passing by ( girl slept so cannot go down ) the bird park and the chimney finally straight down back to town. Some old roads have been widen, and some are newly open road. In the evening, we went to liquor shop and bought a bottle of glenfiddich 18. Mostly, angkut coklat lah. I wanted to bought some wine, but forgot. No thanks to Miss Yovela. Want to eat already!

Oh ya, ada SCR di Labuan. The problem is the place is too small and everybody wanted to use the new toilet. Our food arrived 30 mins after ordering. On the way back to hotel, we bought some imported beer just in case feels thirsty in the midnight. Inside hotel fridge have two cans of Heineken but...we're in Labuan la...try some other brand la right? Some imported beer are cheaper than a can of Cola, still.